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Is Your Air Conditioner Ready for Spring?


Spring will be here in just a few short days, and with it comes rising temperatures and increased humidity. Soon enough, it’s going to be summer, but you’ll likely have need of your home’s air conditioner well before then. The last thing you want is to experience a problem the first time you turn your system on, or ignore signs of wear and tear only to face a breakdown later in the summer.

The good news is that our team is ready with swift and effective air conditioning repair. But we also believe that an ounce of prevention beats a pound of cure, and rather than fixing a problem that has already come to light, we prefer to stop it when it’s still small and manageable. That means scheduling a maintenance session for your air conditioner this spring, before the weather gets too hot. Doing so can provide some huge benefits to your system.


A maintenance session is basically a tune-up for your air conditioner. The technician arrives at your home and gives the system a close look: checking for anything that might be out of the ordinary. That usually includes little things like loose bolts and clogged filters, as well as leaking refrigerant (which is one of the reasons why you need proper licensing to deal with an air conditioner: refrigerant can be dangerous).

If the problem can be fixed easily (say, by replacing a clogged filter), the technician will do so as part of the maintenance session. If something more formal is called for — a larger problem that requires a separate repair session to treat — the technician can schedule such a session immediately: either immediately after the maintenance session (provided the right equipment is present) or at a time of the homeowner’s convenience.


Ideally, you should schedule a maintenance session twice a year, at the beginning and end of cooling season. But you should at least set a maintenance session once a year at about this time, and if it’s been more than 12 months since your last one, now is definitely the right spot on the calendar. Maintenance brings three very tangible advantages to your system that could end up saving you a great deal.

  • Efficiency. Taking care of little things like leaking refrigerant and loose bolts helps the AC unit perform more efficiently. That means it will cost you less in monthly bills than it would if you didn’t schedule the maintenance, as well as cutting down on the wear and tear of individual components.
  • Easier Repairs. It’s always beneficial to catch repair issues sooner rather than later, since the damage hasn’t had as much time to spread. Maintenace sessions allow you to do that, as well as allowing you to schedule the repairs at a time that is convenient to you.
  • Longevity. When applied regularly over time, maintenance sessions reduce the impact of wear and tear, which in turn can help extend the air conditioner’s overall lifespan.

If you need air conditioning maintenance for your Lake Oswego, OR home, call on Western Heating & Cooling today!